How to Get Rid of Bees Nest in Wall Cavity

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

To get rid of a bees’ nest in a wall cavity, it’s important to seek professional help from pest control experts or beekeepers who specialize in bee removal. They can safely remove the nest without causing harm to the bees or your property. This guide will discuss why professional removal is essential and what steps you can take to prevent future infestations, ensuring the safety and integrity of your home while protecting these vital pollinators.

  • Safe and Humane Bee Removal: When removing bees from a wall cavity, it’s essential to use methods that are safe for both the bees and the homeowners. Professional removal and relocation are recommended, especially for protected species like honey bees.
  • Identification of Bee Species: Properly identifying the type of bee is crucial as different species require different removal, control, and prevention strategies.
  • Preventative Measures: To prevent future bee infestations, homeowners should seal potential entry points, maintain the structure of their house, and consider landscaping changes.
  • Legal and Environmental Considerations: Be aware of local laws protecting bees and the importance of bees in the ecosystem when considering removal methods.
  • Health Risks: A bee nest in a wall cavity poses health risks, particularly for those with bee sting allergies, underscoring the need for professional intervention in severe cases.

How to Get Rid of Bees in a Wall?

Discovering a bees’ nest in your wall cavity can be an unsettling experience. It’s crucial to approach the situation with caution and respect for these essential pollinators. Safely removing a bees’ nest from a wall cavity requires a thoughtful strategy that minimizes harm to the bees and ensures your safety. In this first part of our guide, we’ll walk you through the initial steps of identifying the bee species involved and understanding the scope of the infestation, setting the stage for effective removal and prevention.

Identifying Bee Species and Their Nesting Habits in Wall Cavities

Different bees have different nesting habits and preferences, which can influence the removal process. Let’s explore the characteristics of common bees you might find in your walls:

  • Honey Bees: Known for their complex social structures, honey bees often build wax combs inside wall cavities. These bees are critical pollinators and are protected in many areas, making safe, non-destructive removal methods essential.
  • Bumble Bees: Bumble bees typically nest in the ground but may occupy wall spaces if they find a suitable cavity. Their nests tend to be smaller than honey bees’ and are usually less intrusive.
  • Common House Bees: These bees, such as carpenter bees, can cause damage as they burrow into wood to create their nests. Identifying them is crucial as their removal often requires different techniques.

Recognizing the species is vital because it dictates the best approach for removal. For example, honey bees are often relocated rather than exterminated due to their endangered status and importance for the ecosystem. On the other hand, carpenter bees may require targeted treatments to stop them from damaging the structure.

Safe Removal and Instant Solution Methods for Bee Infestations in Walls

Once you’ve identified the species, it’s time to consider your removal options. Here are some methods to consider:

  • Smoking Out: This traditional method can encourage bees to vacate a hive without harming them. However, it’s a delicate process that often requires professional expertise.
  • Natural Repellents: Certain scents, such as peppermint, cinnamon, and citrus, can deter bees. These can be used as a temporary measure to discourage bees from settling in a specific area.
  • Professional Removal: Often the safest and most effective option, professional pest control experts can remove the nest without causing undue harm to the bees or your home.

Instant solutions like home remedies may offer a quick fix but are generally less effective for long-term control. When considering any method, weigh its effectiveness, safety, and environmental impact. For instance, while some might suggest insecticides, these can harm beneficial bees and other wildlife, and their use should be carefully considered or avoided altogether.

How to Smoke Bees Out of a Wall

Smoking out bees is a technique that has been used by beekeepers for centuries to safely manage bees. The smoke doesn’t harm the bees; instead, it triggers a natural response that encourages them to leave the area. When bees detect smoke, they often consume honey in preparation to flee from a potential threat, such as a wildfire. This makes them less aggressive and more focused on protecting their resources, rather than defending the hive. Here’s how to effectively smoke bees out of a wall:

  1. Safety First: Ensure you wear protective clothing, including a bee suit, gloves, and a veil to protect your face and neck. Even though smoking calms bees, they may still become agitated and sting.
  2. Prepare the Smoker: A bee smoker is a device designed to generate smoke from the incomplete combustion of various fuels. Common smoker fuels include pine needles, cardboard, or commercially available smoker pellets. Light the fuel and pump the bellows to get a good stream of cool smoke.
  3. Locate the Hive Entrance: Before you begin, you need to find the entrance the bees are using to access the wall cavity. This will be the point where you direct the smoke.
  4. Begin Smoking: Gently puff smoke into the entrance of the hive. The aim is to introduce enough smoke to encourage the bees to move but not so much that it overheats the hive or harms the bees. It’s a delicate balance that may require experience to get right.
  5. Monitor the Activity: After smoking the hive entrance, watch the bees’ behavior. You should see them become less active on the outside of the nest and start to consume honey inside. This is a sign they’re preparing to evacuate.
  6. Encourage the Bees to Leave: You may need to smoke the hive intermittently over a period to encourage all the bees to leave. This process can take several hours and may even need to be repeated over a few days.
  7. Seal the Entrance: Once the bees have vacated the wall cavity, it’s important to seal the entrance to prevent them from returning. However, this should only be done once you’re certain all the bees have left to avoid trapping any inside.

It’s important to note that smoking out bees is not always a guaranteed solution, especially for bees that have established a large colony within a wall. In such cases, the bees may have multiple entrances or the nest may be too deep within the structure for smoke to reach effectively.

Moreover, the use of smoke should be carried out with caution, as it involves fire and could pose a risk to your property if not managed properly. If you’re not experienced with bee behavior or the use of a smoker, it’s highly recommended to seek assistance from a professional beekeeper or pest control expert who can safely and humanely remove the bees from your property.

Using Natural Repellents to Get Rid of Bees in Walls

Natural repellents can be a non-lethal and eco-friendly option for encouraging bees to vacate your wall cavity. These methods rely on substances that bees find unpleasant, prompting them to leave the area without harming them. Here’s how to use natural repellents effectively:

  • Essential Oils: Bees are sensitive to strong scents, and certain essential oils act as natural deterrents. Peppermint oil, citronella, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil are known to repel bees. To use these oils, you can create a mixture by adding a few drops to water and spraying it near the bees’ entrance. Reapply the solution every few days or after rain to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Garlic Powder: Garlic’s strong odor is another natural bee repellent. Sprinkle garlic powder around the hive entrance or mix it with water to create a spray. This method may require frequent reapplication to keep the scent strong.
  • Cinnamon: Sprinkling cinnamon near the bees’ entry point daily for about a week can encourage them to relocate. Bees do not like the smell of cinnamon and will often seek a new place to establish their nest.
  • Vinegar Spray: A solution of vinegar and water can also deter bees. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it around the hive entrance, particularly in the evening when bees are less active. The strong smell of vinegar is usually enough to repel them.
  • Almond Oil: Almond oil contains benzaldehyde, a compound that bees find offensive. Soaking a cloth or cotton balls in almond oil and placing them near the hive can help drive the bees away.

When using natural repellents, it’s important to consider the following:

  1. Persistence: Natural repellents often require consistent application over a period of days or weeks to be effective. Bees may not vacate immediately, so patience and regular reapplication are key.
  2. Location: Apply the repellent as close to the bees’ entrance as safely possible to ensure they come into contact with the scent.
  3. Time of Day: It’s best to apply repellents in the evening when bees are less active and more likely to be inside the hive. This increases the chances of the bees coming into contact with the repellent.
  4. Safety: Always wear protective clothing when approaching the hive to apply repellents. Even if you’re using non-aggressive methods, bees can become defensive if they feel their hive is threatened.
  5. Effectiveness: While natural repellents can be a good first step, they may not always be effective for established colonies or in cases where the bees have multiple entry points into the wall.

Remember, these natural methods are generally more suitable for smaller infestations or as a preventive measure. In the case of a large, established colony, or if the bees are not responding to the repellents, it may be necessary to contact a professional who can safely remove the bees and provide advice on preventing future infestations.

How Professionals Remove Bees from Walls

Professional pest control experts or beekeepers use specialized methods to safely and effectively remove bees from wall cavities. Their approach is often multifaceted, involving the following steps:

Assessment and Planning

  • Initial Inspection: Professionals start with a detailed inspection to determine the location and size of the nest, the bee species, and the best course of action.
  • Customized Strategy: Based on the inspection, they devise a plan tailored to the specific situation, considering factors like bee species, location of the nest, and the structure of the building.

Safe and Humane Removal

  • Bee Suits and Equipment: Equipped with bee suits for protection, professionals use tools like smokers, hive tools, and possibly a bee vacuum designed to gently collect bees without harming them.
  • Accessing the Nest: In some cases, they may need to carefully open a section of the wall to reach the nest. This is done with precision to minimize damage to the property and stress to the bees.
  • Relocation: The preferred method for honey bees is relocation. Professionals will carefully remove the combs, often placing them into frames that can be transferred to a new hive box, and then transport the bees to a suitable location where they can thrive.

Clean-Up and Repair

  • Removing All Traces: After the bees and combs are removed, professionals clean the area thoroughly to remove any honey or wax residues that could attract other pests or cause damage.
  • Wall Repair: If the wall was opened for nest access, professionals will typically repair it or advise on the necessary repairs to restore the integrity of the structure.


  • Preventative Advice: Professionals provide advice on how to prevent future infestations, which may include sealing potential entry points and making environmental modifications around the property.
  • Follow-Up: They may offer follow-up services to ensure that the bees have not returned and that the preventative measures are effective.

Considerations for Professional Removal

  • Time of Year: The best time for removal can depend on the bee species and the lifecycle of the colony. Professionals consider this to choose a time that is safest for the bees and most convenient for the homeowner.
  • Legal Compliance: Professionals are knowledgeable about local laws and regulations regarding bee removal and ensure that their methods comply with these requirements.
  • Eco-Friendly Approach: Responsible professionals prioritize methods that protect the bees and the environment, avoiding harmful pesticides whenever possible.

In summary, professional bee removal from walls is a complex process that requires expertise, specialized equipment, and a deep understanding of bee behavior. By hiring professionals, homeowners can ensure the safe, humane, and legal removal of the bees, along with the necessary repairs and advice to prevent future issues. This approach not only protects the structure of the home but also conserves the essential role bees play in our environment.

Preventative Measures and Handling Severe Infestations

After addressing the immediate concern of removing a bees’ nest from your wall cavity, it’s essential to take steps to prevent future infestations. Bees are attracted to locations that offer suitable nesting conditions, so altering these can deter them from returning.

  • Sealing Entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior and seal any cracks or openings. Pay special attention to areas around windows, rooflines, and eaves.
  • Maintaining House Structure: Regular maintenance, such as repairing damaged siding or soffits, can eliminate potential nesting sites for bees.
  • Landscaping Considerations: Bees are attracted to certain plants and flowers. While it’s beneficial to have these for pollination purposes, keeping them at a distance from your home can reduce the likelihood of bees nesting in your walls.

How to Get Rid of Bees in Siding

To get rid of bees in siding, it’s essential to approach the situation carefully to protect both the bees and the structure of the home. First, identify the bee entry points and observe activity to ensure they are bees, not wasps. Consult with a professional beekeeper or pest control expert who can safely remove or relocate the hive. They may use techniques such as smoking to calm bees and suitably attire for protection. Once removed, seal all entry points to prevent future infestations.

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