How to Get Rid of Bees in Siding

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

To get rid of bees in siding, it’s crucial to contact professional bee removal services or a local beekeeper. They can safely relocate the bees without causing harm to them or damaging your property. This article will explore the importance of professional intervention and provide tips on how to prevent bees from nesting in your siding in the future, ensuring a safe and bee-free environment around your home.

  • Identify and Tailor Removal to Bee Species: It’s essential to correctly identify the type of bee (e.g., carpenter bees, honeybees) infesting your home to choose the most effective and appropriate removal and prevention methods.
  • Use Immediate and Preventive Measures: Employ both immediate measures, such as removing attractants and using natural repellents, and preventive strategies, including regular home maintenance and sealing potential entry points, to deter bees from nesting in siding and other structures.
  • Professional Help for Safety and Compliance: For large, inaccessible, or dangerous infestations, or when dealing with protected species like honeybees, seek professional pest control services to ensure safe, humane, and legal bee removal.
  • DIY vs. Professional Services: While DIY methods can be suitable for small or less aggressive bee infestations, professional services are recommended for larger or more complex situations, especially when structural modifications are necessary for hive removal.
  • Environmentally Friendly and Legal Considerations: Prioritize eco-friendly and humane bee removal practices, and stay informed about local wildlife protection laws to ensure compliance with regulations regarding bee removal and conservation.

How to Get Rid of Bees Under Siding?

Bees are essential for the ecosystem, but when they make their homes in your siding, they can become a nuisance or even a hazard. Identifying and safely removing bees from your home’s siding requires careful consideration and sometimes professional intervention. Below are effective methods to tackle bee infestations in your siding, tailored to different bee species.

Identifying the Type of Bee

Before you take action, it’s crucial to determine what type of bee you’re dealing with. Carpenter bees and honeybees are the most common bees found in siding.

  • Carpenter Bees: These bees are solitary and are known for drilling circular holes into wood to lay their eggs. They are large, resembling bumblebees, with shiny, black abdomens.
  • Honeybees: These bees are social insects that live in colonies. If you see bees entering and exiting a crack or hole in the siding, it’s possible they have built a hive inside.

Tailored Removal Techniques

Carpenter Bees

For carpenter bees, here are some steps you can take:

  • Fill Holes: After ensuring all the bees have left, fill the holes with steel wool and caulk to prevent them from returning.
  • Bee Sprays: Use insecticidal sprays specifically designed for carpenter bees. Apply according to the product’s instructions.
  • Noise and Vibrations: Sometimes, noise and vibrations can deter carpenter bees. Consider installing a sound-emitting device near the affected area.


Honeybee removal is more complex and typically requires professional help due to the presence of hives and honeycomb.

  • Professional Removal: Contact a local beekeeper or pest control professional who can safely relocate the colony.
  • Avoid Sealing: Do not seal the entrance to a honeybee hive without removing the bees first, as this can lead to further damage and potentially aggressive behavior.

Immediate Measures to Deter Bees

To quickly deter bees from nesting in your siding:

  • Remove Attractants: Ensure no sweet substances or floral scents are near the siding, as these can attract bees.
  • Essential Oils: Some essential oils, like peppermint, can act as natural repellents. Apply them near the affected areas.

Preventive Measures

Preventing bees from nesting in your siding initially is the best way to avoid an infestation.

  • Repair Cracks and Holes: Regularly inspect and repair any damage to your siding that could serve as an entry point for bees.
  • Secure Soffits: Ensure that soffits and other related structures are well-sealed and maintained.
  • Barriers: Consider installing physical barriers, such as screens, over vents and other potential nesting sites.

Comprehensive Strategies for Bee Infestation Prevention and Control

Maintaining a bee-free home requires a combination of vigilance, maintenance, and strategic planning. Implementing long-term strategies can significantly reduce the likelihood of bees entering or nesting in your home structures.

Home Maintenance Tips

Effective home maintenance is a cornerstone of preventing bee infestations in and around your living spaces. By regularly inspecting and maintaining your home, you can create an environment that is less inviting to bees and other pests. Here’s a more detailed look at what you can do to keep bees at bay:

Seal Gaps and Cracks

  • Exterior Inspection: Twice a year, walk around your home and look for any cracks, gaps, or holes in the siding, foundation, and around windows and doors. Bees can squeeze through surprisingly small openings to find a place to nest.
  • Caulking: Use a high-quality silicone or acrylic latex caulk to seal any openings you find. For larger gaps, you may need to use an expandable foam sealant.
  • Weather Stripping: Install or replace weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent bees from entering.

Maintain Paint and Varnish

  • Regular Painting: Keep wood surfaces, including siding and trim, painted or varnished. This not only protects the wood from the elements but also deters bees, as they prefer untreated wood for nesting.
  • Inspect for Peeling: Check for peeling or chipping paint, as these can be entry points or attractants for bees. Make touch-ups as needed to maintain a smooth, uninviting surface.
  • Choose the Right Finish: Use a gloss or semi-gloss finish, as these are less appealing to bees than flat finishes.

Check Roofing and Vents

  • Roof Inspection: Look for loose or missing shingles where bees might enter and nest. Make repairs as needed to keep your roof bee-proof.
  • Secure Vents: Ensure that all vents are covered with fine mesh screens to prevent bees from entering while still allowing for ventilation.

Manage Water Sources

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Bees need water, so eliminate any sources of standing water, such as clogged gutters, overwatered gardens, or bird baths near your home.
  • Repair Leaks: Fix any dripping faucets or leaks in your irrigation system that might attract bees.

Keep Gutters Clean

  • Routine Cleaning: Clean your gutters regularly to prevent water buildup and reduce the likelihood of bees establishing a water source or nesting in the debris.
  • Gutter Guards: Consider installing gutter guards to help keep leaves and other organic matter out, which can attract bees looking for nesting material.

Trim Vegetation

  • Tree and Shrub Maintenance: Keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home. Overhanging branches can provide a bridge for bees to find their way into your home.
  • Remove Dead Wood: Dispose of any dead trees or limbs in your yard, as these can be prime nesting spots for carpenter bees.

Monitor for Bee Activity

  • Regular Walkthroughs: Routinely walk around your property looking for signs of bee activity, such as bees entering and exiting a particular spot.
  • Listen for Buzzing: Pay attention to any unusual buzzing sounds coming from the walls or attic, which could indicate a hive inside your home.

Professional Inspections

  • Annual Checkup: Consider having a professional pest control service inspect your home annually. They can identify potential problem areas you might have missed and provide solutions to prevent infestations.

By following these home maintenance tips, you can greatly reduce the chances of a bee infestation in your home. Regular upkeep not only preserves the value and appearance of your property but also creates a less attractive environment for bees and other pests. Remember, prevention is always more manageable and cost-effective than dealing with an established infestation.

Natural Repellents

Natural repellents are a preferable choice for many homeowners who wish to deter bees without resorting to harsh chemicals. These repellents can be effective, eco-friendly, and often easy to implement. Here are some of the most commonly used natural repellents and how to use them:

Essential Oils

Many essential oils are known for their ability to repel bees and other insects:

  • Peppermint Oil: Bees tend to dislike the strong scent of peppermint. You can mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it around areas where bees are a problem.
  • Clove, Geranium, and Lemongrass Oil: A combination of these oils has been found to be particularly effective. Apply the mixture along the edges of your house or in areas where bees frequent.


Vinegar can act as a repellent due to its strong smell:

  • Vinegar Spray: Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where bees are present. Be careful not to spray it directly on plants, as vinegar can harm them.

Cucumber Peels

Cucumber peels contain compounds that bees find distasteful:

  • Strategic Placement: Scatter cucumber peels around your garden or near the nest to discourage bees from lingering.

Garlic Powder

Garlic’s potent aroma is another natural bee deterrent:

  • Garlic Spray: Crush a few cloves of garlic, mix them with water, and let the mixture sit overnight. Strain it and spray it around your home’s perimeter and any bee entry points.


Citronella is well-known for repelling mosquitoes, but it can also deter bees:

  • Citronella Candles or Torches: Place citronella candles or torches strategically around outdoor areas to keep bees away.


Cinnamon’s strong smell can discourage bees from settling in an area:

  • Cinnamon Sprinkle: Sprinkle cinnamon near bee hotspots daily for a week or more to encourage them to move their nest.

Ultrasonic Repellers

These devices emit ultrasonic frequencies that are unpleasant to bees and other pests:

  • Ultrasonic Devices: Install ultrasonic repellers around your home to create a sound barrier that bees will want to avoid.

When using natural repellents, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Frequency of Application: Natural repellents may need to be reapplied more frequently than chemical ones, especially after rain or heavy winds.
  • Concentration: The effectiveness of natural repellents can depend on the concentration of the active ingredient. Experiment with different amounts to find what works best for your situation.
  • Combination of Methods: Sometimes, using a combination of natural repellents can yield better results than relying on a single method.

Natural repellents offer a safer alternative to chemical pesticides and can be an integral part of your pest control arsenal. By using these methods, you can keep bees at bay while also being mindful of the environment and the well-being of all pollinators.

Landscaping Methods to Deter Bees

Landscaping is not just about beautifying your surroundings; it can also play a crucial role in deterring bees from nesting in or near your home. Thoughtful landscaping decisions can create an environment that is less inviting to bees, reducing the likelihood of them becoming a nuisance. Here are more detailed landscaping strategies to help keep bees at bay:

Choose Non-Attractive Plants

  • Flower Selection: Opt for flowers that are less appealing to bees. Red flowers, for example, are less visible to bees, as they can’t see the color red. Additionally, choose plant species that do not produce a lot of nectar or pollen, which are the primary attractants for bees.
  • Herbs and Spices: Some herbs and spices can act as natural bee repellents. Planting mint, basil, or eucalyptus around your home can help deter bees because of their strong scents.

Design Gardens with Bees in Mind

  • Strategic Planting: Design your garden so that bee-attractive plants are located further away from your home, especially away from entry points and windows. This can help to draw bees to a different part of your yard, away from where people gather.
  • Layered Planting: Use taller plants or shrubs as a natural barrier to discourage bees from flying close to your home. A layered garden can direct bee traffic away from living spaces.

Maintain a Clean Landscape

  • Debris Removal: Regularly remove fallen fruit, dead plants, and other organic debris from your yard. Such materials can attract bees looking for food or nesting materials.
  • Trimming and Pruning: Keep bushes, hedges, and trees well-trimmed. Overgrown vegetation can provide shelter for bees and other pests.
  • Lawn Care: Keep your lawn mowed to a reasonable height. A well-maintained lawn is less likely to harbor ground-nesting bees.

Use Mulch Wisely

  • Inorganic Mulch: Consider using inorganic mulch, such as rocks or rubber, which does not attract bees as organic mulch might.
  • Proper Mulch Application: Apply mulch evenly and avoid piling it up against the siding or foundation of your home, as this can create a hospitable environment for bees to nest.

Water Features

  • Control Water Sources: Bees need water, so if you have water features like ponds or fountains, keep them clean and properly maintained to avoid creating a breeding ground for bees.
  • Moving Water: Bees are more attracted to still water, so incorporating a fountain or waterfall can make the water source less appealing to them.


  • Incorporate Hardscaping: Adding non-plant elements like stone pathways, patios, and walls can reduce the overall green space and floral abundance, making the area less attractive to bees.
  • Barriers: Use hardscaping to create physical barriers that can limit bees’ access to certain areas of your yard.

Lighting Considerations

  • Light Placement: Bees are less active at night but can be attracted to lights. Position outdoor lighting away from the house or use motion sensor lights to minimize attraction.

Regular Inspections

  • Monitor for Nests: As part of your landscaping routine, inspect for signs of bee activity, such as nests or swarms. Early detection can make removal and prevention much more manageable.

By understanding the types of bees you’re dealing with and employing both immediate and long-term strategies, you can effectively control and prevent bee infestations in your home’s siding.

Remedies for Specific Bee Challenges in Home Settings

Dealing with Bees in Different Types of Siding

The type of siding on your home can affect how you deal with a bee infestation. Here are some remedies for bees that have taken up residence under various siding materials.

Bees Under Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding is a popular choice for homeowners due to its durability and low maintenance. However, its design can inadvertently provide an ideal environment for bees to nest. The hollow voids behind the siding panels and the warmth it can retain make it attractive to bees looking for a new home. Here’s a more detailed approach to tackling bees under vinyl siding:

  • Inspection: The first step is to perform a thorough inspection to determine the extent of the infestation and the type of bees involved. Look for bees entering and exiting through gaps or seams in the siding. This activity often indicates the location of the nest.
  • Bee Identification: Properly identifying the bee species is crucial, as different bees may require different removal methods. For example, honeybees are typically removed via live removal and relocation, while carpenter bees may be treated with insecticides.
  • Pesticide Application: If you choose to use pesticides, select one that’s specifically designed for bees and safe for use on vinyl siding. It’s essential to follow the product’s instructions carefully to avoid damage to the siding or harm to beneficial insects and the environment.
  • Exclusion Techniques: Once the bees have been eradicated or relocated, preventative measures should be taken to ensure they don’t return. This includes sealing any cracks or crevices with caulk or expanding foam. It’s important to only seal these openings after you’re certain there are no bees left inside, as trapped bees can cause more damage trying to escape.
  • Maintenance and Monitoring: Regular maintenance and monitoring of your siding can help prevent future infestations. Keep an eye out for new gaps or damage to the siding where bees could potentially enter. Periodic cleaning of the siding can also discourage bees from nesting there.
  • Bee-Friendly Alternatives: Consider planting bee-friendly flowers and plants away from the house to provide an alternative habitat for the bees. This can divert their attention from your siding and support bee populations in a more suitable location.

In summary, dealing with bees under vinyl siding requires careful inspection, proper identification, and the use of appropriate removal and exclusion techniques. It’s a task that balances the need to protect your home with the importance of preserving beneficial insect populations. When in doubt, or when the situation calls for it, enlisting the help of professionals is the safest and most responsible choice.

Bees Inside the House

Discovering bees inside your home can be a distressing experience. Bees typically enter houses in search of a place to establish a new hive or by accident. Here are steps you can take to address the situation:

  • Determine Entry Points: First, identify where and how the bees are getting inside. Common entry points include gaps in window frames, chimneys, ventilation grills, and other small openings in your home’s exterior.
  • Temporary Confinement: If bees are found in a particular room, keep doors and windows closed to confine them to that area while you formulate a plan for removal.
  • Create an Exit: Encourage the bees to leave on their own by darkening the room and opening a window or door that leads outside. Bees naturally move towards light, so they may exit through the open window.
  • Avoid Swatting or Agitating: Swatting at bees or attempting to kill them can provoke aggression and increase the risk of stings. Remain calm and avoid rapid movements that could alarm the bees.
  • Remove Attractions: Ensure there are no food sources, such as sugary drinks or exposed fruits, that may attract bees indoors. Keep garbage cans sealed and clean up any spills immediately.
  • Seal Entrances After Removal: After the bees have been removed, seal all potential entry points to prevent future issues. This may involve repairing screens, sealing cracks, and ensuring all vents are properly covered.
  • Monitor for Hive Activity: Be vigilant for signs of bees returning or new hives forming. Listen for buzzing sounds within walls and watch for bees entering or exiting your home.
  • Considerations for Hive Removal: If a hive is discovered within the structure of your home, removal can be complex and may require cutting into walls or ceilings. This type of removal should only be done by professionals with experience in both bee removal and home repairs.
  • Long-Term Solutions: To prevent future indoor bee infestations, consider installing bee-proofing measures such as fine mesh screens over vents, chimney caps, and draft guards beneath doors to the outside.

When bees are inside the house, the goal is to remove them with minimal harm to both the bees and the occupants of the home. Professional removal is often the safest and most effective approach, especially when dealing with a hive or a large number of bees. Remember that bees are vital pollinators, and their conservation is important, so always prioritize humane and environmentally responsible methods of removal and control.

DIY Methods vs. Professional Services

While there are DIY methods for dealing with bees, there are times when professional services are the better choice. Consider professional help if:

  • The infestation is large or inaccessible.
  • You or family members are allergic to bee stings.
  • You’re dealing with protected species like honeybees.

DIY methods can be effective for small, accessible infestations or when dealing with less aggressive bees like carpenter bees.

How to Get Rid of Bees Nest in Wall Cavity

To safely remove a bee nest from a wall cavity, first confirm the presence of bees and not other stinging insects. Contact a professional beekeeper or pest control specialist who can assess the situation and determine whether the bees can be relocated. They may use specialized equipment to extract the nest without harming the bees, which is essential for environmental conservation. After removal, repair any structural damage and seal entry points to prevent new colonies from settling.

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