What Attracts Stink Bugs?

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

When you come across a smelly, shield-shaped bug crawling around your home or garden, you’re likely dealing with a stink bug. These troublesome pests are not only notorious for their foul odor, but they can also cause significant damage to your home and plants.

This article will delve into a detailed understanding of what attracts stink bugs, decoding why they infest your home, and actionable steps you can take to mitigate an infestation. By gaining insights into these stealthy intruders, you can create a less inviting environment for them and reclaim your home.

  • Stink bugs are attracted to certain conditions like food sources (such as fruits and vegetables), light sources, warm and moist shelters, cracks and crevices in homes, chemical signals from other stink bugs, natural habitats and overgrown yards.
  • Stink bugs can become a problem inside houses especially during colder seasons when they are seeking warm and damp places for shelter and survival.
  • These creatures can enter a house through any small cracks and openings, such as in the foundation, around windows and doors or through the siding.
  • Factors that may attract stink bugs to specific areas of the house include the availability of food, warmth, dampness and hiding spots.
  • Preventive measures to control stink bug infestations include regular cleanup and maintenance, reducing visible light from outside, proper sanitation and waste disposal, and regular pruning of gardens. If these measures do not work, consider seeking professional help.

The Problem of Stink Bug Infestation

You’ve likely encountered stink bugs at some point, and you might wonder, what exactly makes them such a pest? Let’s explore.

What Is a Stink Bug and What Makes It Distinct From Other Insects?

A stink bug is a type of insect known for its shield-shaped body and foul odor which it releases when threatened. But that’s not all that sets these insects apart.

Why Are Stink Bugs Considered a Problem for Homeowners and Gardeners?

Stink bugs pose problems not just because they smell bad, but also because they can cause substantial damage to gardens and houseplants. Moreover, their tendency to invade homes in large numbers can be downright disturbing.

Is It Possible to Have Stink Bug Infestation Inside the House?

Unfortunately, yes. In fact, stink bugs are notorious for invading homes, especially during cooler seasons when they’re seeking warm and moist shelters.

What Are Stink Bugs Attracted To?

Now, what’s drawing these smelly critters to your house and your garden? Stink bugs are attracted to various things, including:

Food Sources

Stink bugs love feeding on fruits, vegetables, and other plants. They’re particularly fond of apples, peaches, tomatoes, corn, and many more. So, homes with gardens and visible vegetations are inviting to them.


Stink bugs are like many insects that get drawn towards light sources. That’s why you see them congregating around lit areas during nighttime.

Warm and Moist Shelters

These bugs seek out warm and damp places, especially in cold seasons. You might find them near dripping pipes, wet towels, damp wood, and similar spots within your home.

Cracks and Crevices

These creatures can sneak into your home through any tiny opening. Be it cracks in the foundation, around windows and doors, or in the siding, stink bugs can use these as entry points.

Chemical Signals

These bugs communicate through chemical signals or aggregation pheromones that attract others of their kind.

Natural Habitats

Stink bugs prefer natural habitats such as leaf litter or tree bark. Dark, nature-like exteriors of homes might confuse them for natural habitats.

Overgrown Yard

A cluttered and overgrown yard provides excellent hiding and breeding ground for these bugs making it very appealing.

By understanding what attracts these bugs, you can be well on your way to preventing or controlling their presence in your home and garden.

Decoding Home Infestations

In this section, we will explore frequently asked questions about stink bug infestations in homes, and why they seem to favor certain parts.

Why Am I Getting Stink Bugs in My House?

Your house might be attracting stink bugs if you have specific elements like accessible food sources, warm dwelling areas, plenty of hiding spots, or exposed light sources.

What Causes Stink Bugs to Come In Your House?

The main culprits causing stink bugs to enter your house are the appealing conditions inside, from food to shelter and warmth. Also, things that mimic their natural habitats like natural siding, might attract these bugs.

What Causes Stink Bugs to Appear in Specific Areas of the House?

Stink bugs are likely to appear in specific areas of the house that meet their survival needs like warm, damp places and areas where they can access food easily, such as kitchens or rooms with houseplants.

How Do Stink Bugs Get in Your House?

Stink bugs can enter your house through small cracks and crevices in the foundation, around windows and doors, and even through the gaps in your home’s siding.

Where Do Stink Bugs Come From in House?

Stink bugs might come into your house from outdoor places like your garden, or from overgrown or cluttered areas. They’re also drawn in by the warm shelter in cold seasons.

Why Are There Stink Bugs in My Room?

There could be stink bugs in your room due to factors like warmth, available hiding spots, light sources, or even the presence of houseplants which they could use as a food source.

Why Do I Keep Finding Stink Bugs in My Room?

Their recurring presence in your room may be due to the availability of what they need to survive. Look around your room for factors that might be attracting them, such as dampness, warmth, light, and food sources.

Why Do Stink Bugs Keep Coming Into My Room?

Stink bugs keep coming into your room because they can find what they need there. It’s also possible they’ve marked your room with their aggregation pheromones, thus luring more of them in.

By understanding their patterns, you are better prepared to prevent and control a stink bug infestation.

What Steps Can Homeowners Take to Mitigate Stink Bug Infestations?

Now that we’ve understood the habits and attractions of stink bugs, let’s delve into what you can do to prevent an infestation.

What Causes Stink Bugs to Leave?

Stink bugs will leave an area if it no longer provides what they need to survive; food, shelter, and warmth. Proper sanitation, ventilation, and elimination of wet and damp areas can encourage them to leave.

What Preventive Measures Can Homeowners Take To Reduce the Risk of Stink Bug Infestations?

There are several actions you can take to prevent a stink bug infestation:

  • Regular cleanups: Keep both your inside and outside environment clean. This discourages stink bugs from finding suitable hiding and breeding spots.
  • Maintenance: Seal all cracks and crevices. Repair any damage in your home’s foundation, windows, and doors.
  • Reduce Lighting: If possible, reduce the amount of light visible from outside as this can be a strong attractant for these bugs.
  • Sanitation: Proper sanitation is key—dispose of waste properly and regularly.
  • Pruning: Regularly prune and maintain your garden. Overgrown gardens can provide an ideal habitat for stink bugs.

Can Removal of Attracting Factors Lead to the Departure of Stink Bugs?

Yes, the removal of attracting factors like food sources, and optimal breeding areas can definitely lead to their departure or reduces their presence.

The preventive measures discussed in here might not completely eliminate stink bugs from your property, but they will help in decreasing their numbers drastically. Stay one step ahead of these pesky critters and your home will be a less tempting spot for a stink bug invasion. We advise seeking professional help if the situation gets out of control and threatens comfort and wellbeing.

How to Control Stink Bugs

Controlling a stink bug infestation primarily involves preventive measures and non-chemical treatments to keep the environment unfriendly for these pests. One popular way to get rid of stink bugs is by ensuring all cracks and openings in your home are sealed, especially as cooler weather approaches, since stink bugs seek shelter inside homes during this time.

It’s also beneficial to remove any food sources, like fruits and vegetables, which might attract them. Employing natural predators, such as birds or beneficial insects like ladybugs, can also provide a sustainable solution to manage stink bug populations in your garden. Moreover, if an infestation has already occurred, utilizing sticky traps is a cost-effective method to trap and monitor stink bug activity within your home.


No homeowner wants to deal with a stink bug infestation. Armed with the knowledge of what attracts these bugs and how an invasion can be prevented, you are better prepared to thwart a stink bug onslaught. Remember, prevention is easier and less costly than dealing with a full-blown infestation. However, if you find yourself overwhelmed by these pests, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. With informed decisions and swift actions, your home can be kept safe and free from these smelly intruders.

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