What Are The Plants That Repel No-See-Ums?

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

Trying to enjoy your outdoor spaces but fed up with those pesky no-see-ums biting at every turn? Sure, commercial insect repellents are available, but what if you could strategically add some plants to your space and naturally keep these annoying insects at bay?

In this article, we’ll dive into the best plants to help you ward off no-see-ums, understand how they work, and explore other strategies to effectively control these unwelcome guests. Let’s join forces with Mother Nature to usher these pests out of your relaxing areas!

  • Various plants such as citronella grass, camphor trees, marigolds, lavender, lemongrass, catnip, mint, and others are effective in repelling no-see-ums due to their strong fragrances which the insects find unbearable.
  • The essential oils found in these plants like citronellal, geraniol, eugenol, linalool, nepetalactone, and terpinen-4-ol can effectively ward off no-see-ums by masking human scent and creating a protective ‘bubble’ that deters the pests.
  • Citronella, in particular, is effective at repelling no-see-ums. Its essential oil, citronellal, masks the human scent, making it harder for these pests to locate their targets. Various citronella products like plants, candles, and infused oils can be used.
  • Besides plants and essential oils, other commercial repellents and simple actions like wearing long-sleeved clothing, using window and door screens, limiting outdoor activities during dawn and dusk can help repel no-see-ums effectively.
  • Recognizing the most effective repellent can depend on personal preferences, the intensity of the no-see-um problem, and personal experiences. A mix of the methods listed can often provide greater effectiveness in repelling no-see-ums and other pests.

Table of Contents

What Are No-See-Ums, and Why Repel Them?

What are no-see-ums, and where are they commonly found?

No-see-ums, scientifically known as Ceratopogonidae, belong to a family of small midges (biting flies). As their nickname suggests, these pests are so tiny that they often go unnoticed until after they’ve bitten you. These creatures are widespread, yet, they are likely to frequent regions with warmer climates, such as Florida.

What problems are associated with no-see-ums?

No-see-um bites appearance
No-see-um bites

The primary issue with no-see-ums is their inflammatory bite. Despite their small size, these insects’ bites can result in large, itchy welts that can turn your outdoor adventure into a discomforting experience. Unlike mosquitoes, which merely puncture the skin, no-see-ums have tiny jaws that effectively saw into your skin, ensuring a notably painful bite.

What attracts no-see-ums to certain areas or individuals?

No-see-ums are particularly drawn to certain elements that can unfortunately turn outdoor activities into unpleasant experiences. Here’s what specifically attracts these tiny pests:

  • Carbon Dioxide: Humans exhale carbon dioxide, which no-see-ums detect and are attracted to, making any breathing individual a potential target.
  • Lactic Acid: Released through our sweat, especially during physical activities, lactic acid is another major attractant for no-see-ums.
  • Moist and Wet Areas: Locations with standing water or mud provide ideal breeding grounds for no-see-ums, thus increasing their presence in these humid environments.
No-see-ums thrive in areas where there is standing water such as swamps, marshes, forests, and coastal areas.

Why is there a need to repel no-see-ums, especially in certain regions like Florida?

Retaining your peace and comfort when you’re outdoors is reason enough to want to repel no-see-ums. More so, in area like Florida where humidity and warmth offer a conducive environment for these pests to thrive. Their bites can lead to uncomfortable allergic reactions characterized by severe itching and long-lasting blisters, ruining your beach day, hiking trek, or just the casual garden relaxation.

It’s an even larger concern for people who are hypersensitive to insect bites as these reactions can be more intense. Therefore, repelling no-see-ums is crucial in rain-laden regions like Florida, and gardening there requires some planning with plants that are effective no-see-um deterrents.

What Plants Are Known to Repel No-See-Ums?

Let’s delve into the realm of nature’s own bug repellent: plants. The beauty of this solution not only lies in its effectiveness, but in its own dual function as a decorative piece in your homes and gardens.

What are the plants that repel no-see-ums, and what specific compounds in these plants are effective?

Different plants emit specific compounds that naturally repel no-see-ums, making them excellent choices for natural pest control around your home and garden. Below is a table listing several effective plants and the key repellent compounds they contain, which help keep these pesky insects at bay:

Plant NameImageRepellent Compound(s)
Citronella GrassCitronellal
Camphor TreesCamphor
Lemon ThymeThymol
PetuniasUnspecified fragrant compounds
Tea TreeTerpinen-4-ol

How do these plants work to deter no-see-ums?

Essentially, each of these fragrant plants emits a scent that no-see-ums and other insects find unbearable. Sometimes, as is the case with marigolds and lavender, these plants contain compounds that can kill bugs outright. This dual-functionality makes them an excellent, natural form of pest control.

How can these plants be utilized in different forms like sprays and essential oils?

From left to right: spray, candle, lotion, and diffuser

These plants can be used in various ways. They can be planted in your backyard, pots around the house, or used as border plants in your flower or vegetable gardens. The essential oils of these plants can also be extracted and used in sprays, candles, lotions or diffusers. You can even rub the crushed leaves of some of these plants directly on your skin for immediate repulsive effect.

Below is a table of DIY repellent recipes that utilize the natural properties of various plants to ward off these biting pests:

Plant UsedIngredientsMethod
CitronellaCitronella leaves, water, witch hazelBoil leaves in water, strain, mix with witch hazel, and pour into a spray bottle.
LavenderLavender oil, water, alcoholMix lavender oil with alcohol, add water, and shake well before spraying.
LemongrassLemongrass oil, carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil)Dilute lemongrass oil in carrier oil and apply to skin or clothing.
PeppermintPeppermint oil, water, vodkaCombine peppermint oil with vodka, add water, and use as a spray on surfaces or skin.
GeraniumGeranium oil, water, vegetable glycerinMix geranium oil with glycerin, add water, and spray in infested areas.
Tea TreeTea tree oil, distilled water, aloe vera gelMix tea tree oil with aloe vera gel, add distilled water, and apply directly to the skin.

These recipes provide an environmentally friendly and personalizable approach to insect repellent, perfect for those looking to avoid the harsh chemicals found in many commercial products.

What are the variations and similarities in plants that repel no-see-ums?

While each plant has its unique way of repelling insects, the common denominator here is their fragrant nature. No-see-ums are put off by strong, pungent smells which most of these plants offer aplenty. The variations, however, lie in their:

  • Application methods
  • Intensity of fragrance
  • Flowering season
  • Maintenance needs

Are there geographical differences in the effectiveness of these plants, such as in Florida?

Certain plants might be more effective in some geographical locations than others due to climatic conditions. For instance, plants that thrive in warm, humid conditions like Florida such as citronella grass or lemongrass, would be more effective in deterring no-see-ums than those suited to colder environments.

Here’s a comparison table that outlines the effectiveness of some popular plants against no-see-ums, helping you choose the right ones for your needs and location:

Plant NameEffectiveness in Warm ClimatesEffectiveness in Cool ClimatesBest Use Case
Citronella GrassHighModerateOutdoor areas, pots
Camphor TreesHighLowLarge gardens, near windows
MarigoldsModerateModerateBorders, garden patches
LavenderHighHighPatios, window boxes
LemongrassHighModerateGarden borders, patios
CatnipHighHighContainers, garden edges
MintModerateModerateGarden borders, pots

How can these plants be grown and maintained?

Most of these plants are easy to grow and do not require too much maintenance. Regular watering, adequate sunlight, and regular pruning to manage growth are the general requirements. Below is a table that provides essential care instructions for various repellent plants to ensure they thrive and maintain their insect-repelling properties:

Plant NameSunlight NeedsWatering RequirementsSoil TypeAdditional Care Tips
Citronella GrassFull sunMoist, well-drainedLoamyPrune regularly to encourage growth
Camphor TreesFull sun to partial shadeRegular wateringWell-drainedProtect from strong winds
MarigoldsFull sunModerate, allow to dry between wateringWell-drainedDeadhead to promote blooming
LavenderFull sunLow, drought-tolerantWell-drained, sandyMinimal fertilization, prune after flowering
LemongrassFull sunKeep soil dampRich, loamyHarvest regularly to stimulate new growth
CatnipFull sun to partial shadeModerate, allow soil to dry slightlyWell-drained, sandyCut back to prevent over-spreading
MintPartial shadeKeep soil moistRich, moistContain in pots to prevent invasive growth

How Can Plants Be Used as Natural Repellents for No-See-Ums?

How can these plants be planted in gardens or used in insect repellent sprays?

  • Once you’ve selected your plants, choose a suitable location in your garden that fits their sunlight and watering needs. If you don’t have a garden, you can grow these plants in containers or pots too.
  • To make a natural insect repellent spray, you can steep the plants in water and then strain it or dilute their essential oils with water or a carrier oil. This solution can be sprayed around your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Below is a table detailing how each specific plant can be effectively used in garden settings or formulated into insect repellent sprays:

Plant NameGarden Planting TipsUsage in Repellent Sprays
Citronella GrassPlant in pots or borders, full sun exposureUse oil in water with a dispersing agent for sprays
Camphor TreesPlant as a standalone or along borders, requires spaceBoil leaves in water, cool, strain, and use as a spray
MarigoldsPlant in full sun along garden borders or interspersedDry flowers, crush, and steep in boiling water, strain for spray
LavenderSuitable for garden edges and pots, full sunUse distilled oil mixed with water or alcohol as a spray
LemongrassPlant in clusters to form dense barriers, full sunExtract oil and mix with water and alcohol for spray
CatnipGrow in containers to control spreading, partial shadeInfuse leaves in boiling water, strain, and spray
MintBest in containers to prevent overgrowth, partial shadeUse fresh leaves steeped in hot water, strain for use

What are some examples of using these plants directly on the skin?

Certain plants can provide direct protection by rubbing their leaves onto your skin. However, it’s necessary to carry out a patch test before you do to avoid possible skin irritations. Alternatively, you can also use essential oils derived from these plants, mixing them with carrier oils and applying it onto your skin.

Below is a table outlining which plants are suitable for skin application and the methods for safely using their oils or extracts to repel insects:

Plant NameMethod of ApplicationPrecautions
BasilCrush fresh leaves and rub directly onto the skinPerform a patch test to check for skin sensitivity
LavenderApply diluted essential oil directly or rub leavesUse carrier oil with essential oil to prevent irritation
LemongrassDilute essential oil with a carrier oil and applyAlways dilute to avoid skin irritation, patch test first
PeppermintMix essential oil with water or carrier oil and sprayAvoid contact with eyes and sensitive areas
Tea TreeDilute essential oil in a carrier oil for topical useCan be potent, use sparingly and watch for reactions
GeraniumApply the essential oil diluted in jojoba or almond oilConduct a patch test especially for sensitive skin

How effective are these natural methods compared to commercial repellents?

While commercial repellents often contain chemicals for immediate and potent effect, natural methods using plants can also be effective and present fewer health concerns. However, their efficiency might be relatively lower, and they may need to be reapplied more frequently.

Below is a comparative table that outlines the key differences between natural plant-based repellents and commercial chemical options, helping you make an informed decision based on your needs:

FeatureNatural RepellentsCommercial Repellents
Main IngredientsPlant oils and extracts (e.g., citronellal)DEET, permethrin, picaridin
EffectivenessEffective but may require frequent reapplicationGenerally long-lasting with fewer applications needed
Application MethodSprays, oils, direct plant useSprays, lotions, impregnated clothing
Side EffectsLower risk of skin irritation (with proper use)Possible skin irritations, allergic reactions
Environmental ImpactEco-friendly, biodegradablePotential environmental hazards
CostVaries, often lower than commercial productsCan be more expensive due to manufacturing costs
AvailabilityMay depend on plant growing seasonsWidely available year-round

It is essential to remember that their effectiveness can vary based on individual body chemistry and the specific species of no-see-ums you’re dealing with. You might have to experiment a bit to find which method works best for you.

Does Citronella Specifically Repel No-See-Ums and Other Insects?

Citronella is a popular natural insect deterrent but how effective is it against no-see-ums and other insects?

Does citronella repel no-see-ums?

Citronella plant

Yes, citronella does repel no-see-ums. The citronellal oil found in citronella plants masks the human scent, making it harder for no-see-ums to locate their target. Hence, it is commonly used in outdoor areas to ward off these pesky creatures.

How does citronella work in repelling no-see-ums?

Citronella works by confounding the insects’ senses. The strong aroma emitted by the plant’s essential oil effectively disrupts the insect’s ability to detect potential food sources. In other words, the smell of citronella makes you ‘invisible’ to bugs, including no-see-ums.

What are the properties of citronella that make it effective?

The main active compounds found in citronella:

  • Citronellal
  • Citronellol
  • Geraniol

are what makes it an effective insect repellent. These substances mess with an insect’s sense of smell, therefore warding off unwanted pesky attention.

Do citronella candles repel no-see-ums? How do they compare to citronella plants?

Citronella candles can help repel no-see-ums, but they might not be as effective as live citronella plants due to the concentration of the essential oils. For best results, use citronella candles in combination with citronella plants and other forms of bug control.

How can citronella be utilized in various forms?

Citronella is a versatile plant known for its strong repellent properties, particularly effective against no-see-ums and other insects. Here are various ways to harness the power of citronella, from planting it in your garden to using its oil in various commercial and homemade products:

  1. Growing the Plant: Plant citronella in your garden or in containers to create a natural barrier against no-see-ums. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil.
  2. Citronella Candles: Use citronella candles outdoors to release the scent steadily, creating a protective scent barrier around gathering areas.
  3. Bug Sprays: Look for or create your own bug sprays that contain citronella oil, ideal for direct application on clothing or skin.
  4. Lotions: Incorporate citronella oil into unscented lotions for a soothing and repellent effect on the skin.
  5. Diffuser Oils: Use citronella oil in diffusers to spread the scent throughout your home or patio, keeping the area clear of no-see-ums.
  6. DIY Sprays: Make a DIY insect repellent by diluting citronella essential oil with water or a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil, and apply using a spray bottle.

These methods offer a range of options to effectively utilize citronella in repelling no-see-ums, providing both flexibility and natural effectiveness.

Does citronella also repel other insects like gnats? How is it used in broader insect control?

Citronella oil

Yes, the strong scent of citronella doesn’t just deter no-see-ums, it’s also effective against gnats, mosquitoes, and several other pesky insects. Besides creating an invisible shield around you and your space, you can also use citronella oil to treat bug bites due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

How Do Essential Oils from Plants Aid in Repelling No-See-Ums?

Essential oils are a powerful and natural tool in your no-see-um repellent tool kit, but how exactly do they work?

What are the key essential oils found in plants that are effective against no-see-ums?

bottle of essential oils

Essential oils derived from various plants are highly effective in repelling no-see-ums due to their potent aromatic properties. Below is a table that profiles some key essential oils, highlighting their sources, benefits, and typical uses in repelling insects:

Essential OilSource PlantKey PropertiesTypical Uses
CitronellalCitronella GrassStrong, fresh aroma; masks human scentUsed in sprays, lotions, and diffusers
GeraniolGeraniumSweet floral scent; disrupts insect sensorsAdded to repellent sprays and candles
EugenolBasilSpicy, clove-like aroma; antisepticEmployed in lotions and spot treatments
LinaloolLavenderSoft, floral scent; calming effectsCommon in sprays, soaps, and lotions
NepetalactoneCatnipMinty aroma; extremely repellent to insectsFormulated in sprays and skin balms
Terpinen-4-olTea TreeMedicinal, woody scent; antibacterialUsed in topical treatments and sprays

How do these essential oils function to repel no-see-ums?

These essential oils work by interfering with the no-see-ums’ scent receptors making it difficult for them to detect and latch onto their targets. By masking your natural body odor, these oils create a protective ‘bubble’ that deters no-see-ums.

What are the applications of these essential oils? How can they be used in sprays, diffusers, or direct skin application?

From left to right: coconut oil, jojoba oil, and sweet almond oils as carrier oils

Essential oils offer a natural, versatile way to repel no-see-ums and other pests while providing additional benefits like aromatherapy and skin care. Here are the different applications for these oils, including how to safely use them in sprays, diffusers, and directly on the skin:

  • Direct Skin Application: Mix essential oils with a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond oil to safely apply directly to the skin. Always perform a patch test first to ensure there is no adverse reaction.
  • Diffusers: Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser to help keep indoor and outdoor living spaces free from no-see-ums by dispersing the repellent scent into the air.
  • Homemade Sprays: Combine essential oils with water and a dispersing agent (like witch hazel or alcohol) in a spray bottle. This mixture can be applied to clothing or sprayed around outdoor areas to create a repellent barrier.
  • Topical Treatments: Essential oils can also be used in creating topical treatments for existing insect bites. Mixed with aloe vera or a light lotion, they can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Wearable Repellents: Soak a piece of fabric or a wearable band in a diluted essential oil mixture and wear it on your wrist or ankle to keep no-see-ums at bay while moving around.

Are there any considerations or precautions to take when using essential oils for repelling no-see-ums?

While essential oils can be safe and effective, they should be used with some caution. Always dilute the essential oil before application, as undiluted oils can cause skin reactions or irritations. It’s also advisable to do a patch test before fully applying it onto your skin. Pregnant women, children, and pets may also be more sensitive to these oils, so consider consulting a healthcare provider before use.

Always do patch test before using various essential oils

Below is a table outlining essential precautions to consider when using essential oils, whether in repellents, diffusers, or direct skin applications:

Essential OilPrecautions Needed
CitronellalAlways dilute with a carrier oil; avoid use in high concentrations as it can cause skin irritation.
GeraniolMay cause skin sensitization; perform a patch test before use.
EugenolCan be irritating to skin and mucous membranes; use in low concentrations and with proper dilution.
LinaloolGenerally mild but should be diluted; excessive use can attract insects instead of repelling them.
NepetalactoneVery potent; use sparingly and always dilute substantially to avoid overexposure.
Terpinen-4-olAvoid using undiluted on the skin; may trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

How does the use of essential oils compare with other methods of repelling no-see-ums?

The use of essential oils presents a natural, chemical-free method of repelling no-see-ums, which many prefer due to reduced health concerns. However, similar to the use of plants, these oils may need frequent reapplication for continual effectiveness.

Can these essential oils be used to repel other insects, and what is their broader application in insect repellent?

Absolutely. Besides repelling no-see-ums, these essential oils are effective against a wide array of insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and ticks, making them a handy tool in a broader spectrum of insect control. With their antibacterial and antiseptic properties, they can also be used to treat insect bites.

What Other Methods and Products Help in Repelling No-See-Ums?

While plants and essential oils are fantastic natural options, they are not the only methods available for deterring no-see-ums. Here’s a short exploration of other options you might find helpful:

Repellent MethodImageEffectivenessEase of UseBest Used For
Commercial SpraysHighVery EasyImmediate and long-lasting protection
Physical Barriers
Install fine mesh screens on windows, doors, and other openings around your house
HighModerateContinuous protection in enclosed areas
Opt for light-colored long sleeves clothes and pants
HighEasyPersonal protection, especially outdoors
Environmental Control
Remove standing water on the yard, birdbath, potted plants and gutters to reduce breeding grounds
VariableChallengingLong-term area management and prevention
Electronic Repellents
Employ CO2 Traps to get rid of no-see-ums
Moderate-HighEasyIndoor and localized outdoor use

What are other commercial no-see-um repellents, and how do they compare with natural repellents?

Commercial insect repellents contain various active ingredients like DEET, permethrin, and picaridin, which have been proven effective in warding off no-see-ums. They are usually long-lasting and require fewer reapplications compared to natural counterparts. However, the synthetic nature of these ingredients can raise potential health and environmental concerns.

How can you naturally deter and keep no-see-ums away besides plant use?

In addition to utilizing plants as natural repellents, there are several straightforward and effective measures you can take to deter no-see-ums and minimize their presence in your environment. Here’s a breakdown of these methods in bullet points to clearly highlight each strategy:

  • Wear Long-Sleeved Clothing: Covering skin with long-sleeved shirts and long pants helps prevent bites, especially during peak activity times.
  • Install Window and Door Screens: Fitting fine mesh screens on windows and doors blocks no-see-ums from entering your home.
  • Limit Outdoor Activities During Peak Times: Avoid outdoor activities during dawn and dusk when no-see-ums are most active.
  • Turn Off Outdoor Lights: Reduce outdoor lighting in the evenings as lights can attract these and other insects.
  • Remove Standing Water: Eliminate any standing water around your property to prevent no-see-ums from breeding nearby.

These methods provide a multi-layered defense against no-see-ums, helping you enjoy your outdoor and indoor spaces without the annoyance of these biting pests.

How to repel no-see-ums naturally?

Combining various strategies can increase your effectiveness in repelling no-see-ums naturally. This can include using the right plants or their essential oils, applying homemade natural sprays, maintaining a clean, dry environment, using physical barriers, and making appropriate clothing choices.

What are some DIY methods to keep no-see-ums away?

Bat house (left) | Bird house (right)

DIY methods can include homemade sprays using essential oils, vinegar traps, and even installing bat and bird houses around your property—they are natural insect predators and can help control the population of no-see-ums.

How to combine plant repellents with other natural repellent methods?

Combination is the key here. You can grow the plants mentioned in your yard, use DIY sprays made from essential oils indoors and outdoors, install screens on windows and doors, and practice good yard hygiene to limit breeding spots for no-see-ums. Simultaneously, you can also attract natural predators of these bugs in your yard.

From top left to bottom right: swallow, sparrow, lacewing, dragonfly, bat, small fishes, web-building spiders are natural predators of no-see-ums.

What is the best repellent for no-see-ums, both natural and commercial?

The best repellent often depends on your preferences, the extent of the no-see-um problem, and personal experience. Natural methods work best in combination and may be preferred for regular usage and mild infestations due to fewer side effects. However, for heavy infestations or if you’re visiting a heavily infested area, a commercial repellent might be more effective. By experimenting with different products and methods, you’ll soon find what works best for you.

How to Keep No-See-Ums Away in Different Settings (Outdoor and Yard)?

Handling no-see-ums goes beyond just your personal repellents; you can also optimize your environment to discourage these pests.

What outdoor plants can keep bugs away, including no-see-ums?

Many outdoor plants double as natural insect repellants. Marigold, lavender, basil, rosemary, geranium, and lemongrass, among others, are noted for their ability to repel various insects, no-see-ums included. Plant these in your yard or patio for a more enjoyable and less itchy outdoor experience.

How to use repellents for no-see-ums in yards and outdoor spaces?

To effectively keep no-see-ums away from yards and outdoor spaces, several strategies can be implemented that extend beyond just using repellent plants. Here’s a clear guide on the various methods to deter these pests:

  • Use Insect Repellent Sprays: Apply commercial or homemade repellent sprays liberally around your yard, especially in damp and shaded areas where no-see-ums thrive.
  • Install Protective Screens: Fit screens around porches and decks to create a physical barrier that prevents no-see-ums from entering these outdoor living spaces.
  • Utilize Bug Zappers: Position bug zappers strategically around your yard to attract and eliminate no-see-ums and other flying insects.
  • Optimize Outdoor Lighting: Avoid using bright outdoor lights that attract insects. Instead, opt for yellow bulbs or sodium vapor lights, which are less appealing to no-see-ums.
  • Maintain Dry Conditions: Regularly check and eliminate any sources of standing water to disrupt the breeding grounds of no-see-ums, helping reduce their population.

How to prevent no-see-um bites naturally in various environments?

To naturally prevent no-see-um bites across varied environments, consider the following:

  1. Incorporate insect-repelling plants into your landscaping.
  2. Use natural bug sprays on your skin and clothing when going outside during peak bug hours.
  3. Use citronella candles or other essential oil diffusers.
  4. Dress in long sleeves and pants during times when no-see-ums are active.
  5. Keep your environment clean and dry, essential in removing potential breeding grounds.

Remember, the effectiveness of each of these strategies can vary based on conditions and individual reactions. Hence, it’s important to experiment with combinations and find what’s most effective in your specific situation.


The battle against no-see-ums isn’t one you have to fight alone. Nature offers a wide range of plant allies that can effectively deter these biting nuisances. By incorporating these plants into your surroundings and using their essential oils, you can comfortably enjoy your outdoor experiences, free from the worry of no-see-um bites. Pair these natural methods with other preventative strategies for all-round protection and take back control of your outdoor and indoor living spaces, no-see-ums-free!

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