Will Baking Soda Kill Mice?

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

Baking soda can be lethal to mice when ingested, as it causes internal distress. Understand how baking soda works as a rodent control method and the ethical and practical considerations of using it in your pest management strategy.

  • Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, can function as a poison to mice. When ingested, it interacts with stomach acid to create carbon dioxide, a gas that mice can’t expel. This leads to internal blockages or ruptures and ultimately death.
  • Baking soda can be combined with various enticing foods like peanut butter, flour and sugar, cornbread mix, cocoa powder, or chocolate cake mix to create effective bait for mice.
  • Mice tend to stick close to walls and established routes, so placing bait along these paths is a strategic move. It’s also advised to wear gloves when handling bait to prevent the human scent from repelling the mice.
  • While baking soda can effectively kill mice, it should be noted that this method isn’t deemed humane. The process causes discomfort, bloating, and a slow death for the mice.
  • While baking soda can provide a temporary solution to a minor mice infestation, it’s not a long-term solution, especially for severe infestations. Other home remedies, preventative maintenance, or professional pest control might be required for a more permanent solution.

Table of Contents

The Problem of Mice Infestation in Households

What is the issue with mice in homes?

Mice in homes pose various problems. For one, they chew on wires, furniture, and structural elements of your house, causing significant damage over time. Additionally, mice are vectors for diseases, and their droppings can contribute to allergies and respiratory problems.

Why is there a need for home remedies like baking soda?

Professional pest control can be costly and some people prefer natural, DIY methods over commercial pesticides. Baking soda is a common household item, and using it as a pest control solution offers a potential solution that’s easy on the pocket and accessible for most homeowners.

What is Baking Soda and How Does it Work Against Mice?

What is Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)?

Sodium Bicarbonate, or baking soda, is a white, odorless powder. Found in most kitchens as a leavening agent for baking, it’s also used for cleaning and deodorizing. It has a slightly bitter and saline taste, making it undesirable if encountered in large concentrations.

Why does baking soda kill mice but not harm humans in the same way?

While non-toxic to humans, baking soda can be deadly for mice. When mice ingest the Sodium Bicarbonate in baking soda, it reacts with their stomach acid to produce Carbon Dioxide. Unlike humans, rodents can’t effectively expel this gas, which leads to a build-up that results in internal blockages or ruptures.

How does the digestive system of mice handle baking soda differently?

The rodent’s digestive system isn’t equipped to handle the rapid gas expansion that follows the ingestion of baking soda. The development of carbon dioxide gas leads to bloating and discomfort, progressing to cause life-threatening complications as the gas accumulates.

Why Does Baking Soda Kill Mice?

What does baking soda do to mice?

When mice consume baking soda, it generates bubbles of carbon dioxide gas in their digestive system. Mice don’t have the physical ability to burp or pass the gas and expel it out like humans do, leading to a deadly build-up of pressure inside their bodies, causing discomfort, internal blockages, ruptures, and eventually, death.

Why can’t mice expel carbon dioxide effectively?

Mice lack the physiological mechanism to burp or pass gas, owing to their simple one-way gastrointestinal system. As a result, the carbon dioxide gas generated from the digestion of baking soda remains trapped within their digestive tract, causing internal distress and potentially deadly complications.

How to Get Rid of Mice With Baking Soda?

Convincing mice to consume baking soda can be a challenge due to its bitter taste. Masking it with enticing food baits increases the chance of consumption. Below are a few practical and effective bait recipes using baking soda to control mice.

Peanut Butter and Baking Soda Bait

Peanut butter’s mix of sweetness, fats, protein, and pungent aroma makes it an irresistible treat even for mice. In this section, let’s utilize this lure in crafting a potent homemade rodent bait.


  • Peanut butter
  • Baking soda


  • Disposable saucers or lids (can be fashioned from plastic jar lids or repurposed plastic bottles).

Here’s an easy-to-follow guide on preparing peanut butter and baking soda mouse bait:

  1. For your bait mix, combine equal parts peanut butter and baking soda in a small container. Roughly a few heaping teaspoons of both ingredients should suffice for a bait batch.
  2. Once your peanut butter and baking soda mix is smoothly blended, distribute 2 or more heaping teaspoons of it onto each of your disposable saucers or lids.
  3. Place your bait containers strategically around your home. Preferably, position them adjacent to walls or in spots frequented by mice.

Using this peanut butter and baking soda bait will not only entice the mouse but administer a lethal dosage once consumed.

Flour, Sugar, and Baking Soda Bait

Crafting this bait takes under five minutes and consists of basic ingredients found in most kitchens: flour, sugar, and of course, baking soda. You might want to add chocolate powder for boosted allure.


  • Flour (any kind)
  • Sugar (regular white sugar or finely powdered castor sugar)
  • Baking soda
  • Chocolate powder or sprinkles (optional, but adds additional appeal)


  • Disposable saucers (which can be made from plastic jar lids or cut-down plastic bottles or milk cartons)


  1. Combine equal amounts of flour, sugar, and baking soda in a bowl. If available, add chocolate powder or sprinkles to the mix for an added enticing aroma. Mix these components thoroughly.
  2. Gradually pour a tiny amount of water into the mixture, mixing consistently as you add. Continue adding water until a firm dough consistency is achieved.
  3. Taking heaping teaspoons of your newly formed bait dough, transfer these onto your disposable saucers, ensuring there’s a generous supply on each.
  4. Position your bait-filled saucers along walls or in areas known to be frequented by mice. Be wary that mice are cautious creatures – you may need to leave your bait out for a few days before they start to feel safe enough to approach and consume it.

Cornbread Mix and Baking Soda Bait

Cornbread, a popular food item across many cultures, is also remarkably effective bait for mice. The smell and taste make it irresistible to these pests, leading them straight to your trap.


  • Cornbread mix
  • Baking Soda


  • Disposable shallow containers

Here’s a guide on how to make your cornbread mix and baking soda mouse bait:

  1. In a bowl, combine equal parts of cornbread mix and baking soda. Depending on the size of the infestation, a few heaping teaspoons of each should be sufficient.
  2. You can choose to use this bait mixture in its dry form, distributing even amounts into your shallow containers.
  3. To create dough baits—which might be more effective in preventing the bait from scattering around—gradually add water into your mix and blend well. Continue adding water sparingly until you achieve a dough-like consistency.
  4. Roll this dough into small balls and place them onto your containers.
  5. Strategically place these containers in mouse-prone areas in your home.

Cocoa Powder and Baking Soda Bait

Cocoa powder, with a decadent scent that attracts mice, is an excellent choice of bait when mixed with baking soda. Here is a detailed method on how to create this particular mixture.


  • Baking soda
  • Cocoa powder
  • Sugar


  • Disposable containers or lids


  1. Combine equal parts of cocoa powder, baking soda, and sugar in a bowl. Ensure that the ingredients are mixed thoroughly. The sugar adds a sweet element that is hard for mice to resist, masking the alkaline taste of baking soda.
  2. Once thoroughly mixed, distribute the powder into your disposable containers or lids. Place enough bait that can last a few days to a week.
  3. Strategically put these lids around your home where rodents have been spotted.

Chocolate Cake Mix and Baking Soda Bait

Does the thought of chocolate appeal to you? It sure does for mice! Offering a chocolate delicacy is an easy way to attract mice towards our lethal lure. No need for actual baking, just a mix of chocolate cake mix, and baking soda will do the trick.


  • Chocolate cake mix
  • Baking soda


  • Shallow container (a disposable bowl, bottom of a cut plastic soda bottle, milk carton, a deep plastic jar lid, or even a yogurt container would work)


  1. Take equal parts of chocolate cake mix and baking soda. Typically, a few heaping teaspoons of each should be enough for a batch. Mix them well in your shallow container.
  2. You have the flexibility to use this mixture in two forms: dry and wet. For the dry method, you don’t need to add anything else. Just ensure a separate shallow container filled with water is nearby, as mice might need water while consuming dry food.
  3. To create the wet version of the bait, gradually add a small amount of water. Combine well, continuing to sprinkle more water until you achieve a dense paste-like consistency.
  4. Your baking soda chocolate bait is now ready. Place it in strategic locations, ideally close to walls or in areas where you frequently spot mice. Remember to replace the bait regularly for best results.

Placement Strategies for Baking Soda Bait

Where is the most strategic place to set baking soda bait for maximum effectiveness?

Knowing where to place your bait can significantly improve its effectiveness. Mice prefer to stick close to walls and established routes to move around, rarely venturing into open spaces. Therefore, setting bait along walls or known mouse trails can be a strategic move. Kitchen corners, along baseboards, behind appliances, or near openings where you suspect mouse activity are all good areas to start.

How does rat and mouse behavior influence the placement of poison?

Rats and mice are primarily nocturnal and have poor eyesight. As a result, they rely on established trails and paths that offer safety. They also tend to avoid anything contaminated with human scent, so wearing gloves while handling bait can increase its effectiveness.

What precautions should be taken when handling and placing bait?

Handling any form of poison, including baking soda baits, should be done with care. Always wear gloves to prevent your scent from contaminating the baits and to protect your skin. Keep the bait out of reach of pets and children, making sure to place it in areas only accessible to mice.

How Fast Does Baking Soda Act as a Mouse Poison?

How fast does baking soda kill mice?

The rate at which baking soda poison takes effect varies depending on the size of the mouse and the amount consumed. Typically, mice may die within 24 hours to a couple of days and weeks after ingesting the bait.

How much baking soda is typically needed to kill a mouse or rat?

To effectively kill a mouse and adult rat, it would typically have to consume about 2 to 3 grams of baking soda. Larger mice and rats may need to consume larger amounts.

What are the signs that a mouse has ingested baking soda?

A mouse that has ingested baking soda bait may show signs of discomfort due to bloating. As their condition worsens, they may appear sluggish, disoriented, or experience difficulty moving. In some cases, you may observe mice near water sources due to increased thirst caused by internal distress.

What Are the Limitations and Challenges of Using Baking Soda as Rodent Poison?

Can some mice and rat develop resistance to baking soda?

There are occasional instances of rats and mice developing resistance to baking soda. Just like with other pest control substances, some rodents can adapt to small quantities of baking soda over time and develop an immunity to it, reducing its effectiveness as a lethal poison.

What happens when a mouse or rat is about to die from eating baking soda?

When a mouse or rat is on the verge of dying from baking soda poisoning, it may exhibit some distressing symptoms. These include discomfort and bloating due to gas accumulation, decreased mobility due to internal distress, and confusion or disorientation. In the final stages, these rodents may also linger near water sources due to an increased thirst caused by internal disturbances and hide in dark, secluded areas around homes.

After a mouse or rat dies, you need to find and remove its body. If the body starts to rot, it can make your house smell bad. If you don’t find it fast, the mouse or rat might be hard to find and it could hide somewhere like inside the walls, where it’s tough to retrieve.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

Is using baking soda a humane way to kill mice?

Although it’s an effective method for controlling mice infestations, baking soda isn’t considered a humane way to kill these rodents. The gas accumulation in their bodies causes discomfort and a slow death. Always consider the ethical aspects when choosing a pest control method and try to prioritize more humane ways to deal with mice infestations.

What challenges might arise from using baking soda as a method of pest control?

While using baking soda as pest control is an accessible and affordable option, it also comes with its challenges. For one, using bait requires frequent monitoring and replacement, which may be labor-intensive. Additionally, baking soda isn’t selective and can pose risks to pets who might eat the bait. Lastly, it is not the most humane solution, causing slow and uncomfortable death for rodents.

Is Baking Soda an Effective Way to Get Rid of Mice?

Is baking soda an effective way to get rid of mice in the house?

Baking soda can indeed be a potent weapon against mice infestations in your home, but it’s effectiveness is dependent on several factors. The placement of bait, the willingness of the mice to consume the bait, and the dosage of baking soda consumed, all come into play. Additionally, while baking soda may kill mice who consume it, this method may not be effective in managing severe infestations as it does not prevent other mice from entering your home.

Is baking soda a long-term solution for mice infestations?

Baking soda can provide temporary relief from a minor mice infestation, but it’s unlikely to be a long-term solution. Mice breed rapidly, and for every pair you successfully poison, many more could be waiting to take their place. Furthermore, the potential risks to pets and other non-target animals make it a less than ideal choice for ongoing pest control.

What other effective home remedies exist for getting rid of mice?

Other home remedies include using peppermint oil, mothballs, or ultrasonic pest control devices. These methods can all help in deterring mice from entering your home. Traps are also useful in combating a mouse problem, with options ranging from traditional snap traps to more humane live-capture traps.

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