What Eats Bees?

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

Bees are preyed upon by a variety of predators, including birds, spiders, wasps, and mammals like bears and skunks. Each predator has its own method of capturing or attacking bees, often targeting them for their protein-rich bodies or the honey and larvae found within their hives. Understanding these predator-prey interactions is crucial for appreciating the challenges bees face in their daily survival and the balance they maintain within ecosystems. This insight also underscores the importance of protecting bee populations to ensure their vital role in pollination and biodiversity.

  • Birds, insects, mammals, arachnids, and reptiles have evolved diverse and specialized methods to prey on bees, with each group employing unique tactics to capture and consume these pollinators.
  • Honey bees attract specific predators, such as bears and badgers, who target beehives for the honey and protein-rich larvae, playing a crucial role in the food chain as both pollinators and prey.
  • Human activities, including habitat destruction and pesticide use, have significantly impacted the natural predator-prey dynamics of bees, leading to potential ecological imbalances and necessitating conservation efforts.
  • Bees have developed various defense strategies, such as stinging, swarming, and hive fortification, to protect themselves against predators, while predators have evolved adaptations like thick fur or neutralizing techniques to successfully hunt bees.
  • The evolutionary arms race between bees and their predators contributes to the ecological balance, with each side adapting over time to maintain a dynamic equilibrium, which is essential for the health of ecosystems and successful pollination.

Predators of Bees: Birds, Insects, Mammals, Arachnids, Amphibians, and Reptiles

Bees, those buzzing architects of our ecosystems, face a variety of natural predators. From the skies to the underbrush, creatures of all sorts have developed sophisticated methods to hunt and consume these vital insects. Understanding these predators is crucial for appreciating the delicate balance within nature and the importance of bees.

Birds: Aerial Predators of Bees

Birds are among the most visible predators of bees. Species such as bee-eaters, woodpeckers, honey buzzard, greater honeyguide, flycatchers, and shrikes have evolved unique hunting techniques to capture these flying insects.


Bee-eaters are the specialists in catching bees. Their wide bills and sharp beaks are perfect for snatching bees right out of the air. They have a particular way of dealing with the bee’s sting—by rubbing the bee against a branch to discharge the sting before consumption.


While woodpeckers are known for their insectivorous diet within the tree bark, species like the greater yellow woodpecker also consume bees. They can catch bees in flight or forage for them on the ground.

Honey Buzzard

Birds like the honey buzzard are specialized in predation on bees and wasps. These raptors have thick scales on their legs to protect against stings and a long, hooked beak to dig out larvae from nests.

Greater Honeyguide

The greater honeyguide is a bird with a unique relationship with humans, leading them to beehives. Although it feeds on beeswax and bee larvae, it relies on humans or other animals to break open the hives.

Flycatchers and Shrikes

Flycatchers, with their quick reflexes, and shrikes, known for their impaling technique, are also adept at catching bees. These birds utilize their environment, such as thorns or barbed wire, to assist in handling their prey.

Mammals: The Larger Bee Predators

Bears, raccoons, skunks, and badgers are mammals that are known to prey on bees, mostly targeting the hives for honey and larvae.


Bears, particularly black bears, are infamous for their beehive raids. Their thick fur provides a certain level of protection against bee stings, allowing them to feast on the honey and larvae with minimal disturbance.

Raccoons and Skunks

Raccoons and skunks, equipped with dexterous paws and a tolerance for bee stings, often raid beehives under the cover of darkness.


Badgers use their powerful digging abilities to break into beehives, seeking the nutritious honey and larvae inside.

Insects and Arachnids: The Smaller yet Formidable Foes

Insects such as dragonflies, robber flies, praying mantises, ants, hive beetles, bee wolves, yellowjackets, along with arachnids like spiders, have their own predatory tactics to capture bees.

Dragonflies and Robber Flies

Dragonflies are master aerialists, capable of snatching bees mid-flight. Robber flies also ambush bees, utilizing their stealth and agility to overcome these pollinators.

Praying Mantises and Ants

Praying mantises use their speed and camouflaged arms to grab unsuspecting bees. Certain ant species, such as army ants, invade beehives to plunder honey and larvae.

Hive Beetles

Insects such as hive beetles are pests to bee colonies. These small beetles invade hives to feed on bee larvae, pollen, and honey, often causing damage and stress to the bee population.


Beewolves are a type of solitary wasp that preys on bees. They paralyze bees with their sting and bury them in underground chambers as live food for their developing larvae.


Yellowjackets, a type of predatory wasp, are known to attack bee hives to steal honey. They can be aggressive and are capable of multiple stings, posing a significant threat to bee colonies.


Spiders, including crab spiders and jumping spiders, use their webs or jumping abilities to trap and consume bees. Crab spiders often camouflage themselves within flowers, a perfect strategy to surprise visiting bees.

Amphibians and Reptiles: Uncommon but Opportunistic Bee Predators

While not as common, some amphibians like toads, and reptiles like chameleons and monitor lizards also partake in eating bees when the opportunity arises.


Amphibians like toads may not be the most common predators of bees, but they will consume them if given the opportunity. Toads use their sticky tongues to snatch bees and other insects from the ground or from foliage.


Veiled chameleons, for example, use their sticky, extendable tongues to capture bees, adding to their diverse diet.

Monitor Lizards

Monitor lizards, with their size and appetite, will consume bees among other insects as a part of their diet.

Bees play a pivotal role as pollinators in our ecosystems, and their predators contribute to keeping their populations in check. However, it is essential to differentiate between natural predation and threats like the varroa mite, which can devastate bee colonies and lead to colony collapse disorder. Understanding the complex interactions between bees and their predators helps us appreciate the balance of nature and the importance of conservation efforts.

Honey Bees and Their Specific Predators

Honey bees, known for their sweet produce and intricate social structures, attract a unique set of predators. These predators have developed specific tastes and methods for targeting honey bee colonies.

Bee Larvae as a Delicacy

Predators such as bears and badgers are particularly drawn to the protein-rich larvae found within beehives. They often endure the stings of the adult bees to feast on this nutritious resource.

The Food Chain: Honey Bees as Prey

In the food chain, honey bees serve as a crucial food source for various predators. Their role as prey is as significant as their role as pollinators. This dual role helps maintain ecological balance, ensuring that no single species, including honey bees, dominates the habitat to the detriment of others.

Human Impact on Bee Predation and Conservation Efforts

Human actions have significantly altered the landscape of bee predation. Habitat destruction, pesticide use, and climate change have all influenced the natural predator-prey dynamics.

Habitat Destruction

The loss of natural habitats can lead to a decrease in bee predators, which may result in overpopulation of bees in certain areas. Conversely, it can also lead to the loss of bees, affecting the predators that rely on them for food.

Pesticide Use

Pesticides, while aimed at protecting crops from pests, can also harm bees and their predators, disrupting the natural balance and leading to unforeseen consequences in the food web.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to conserve bee populations often include measures to protect their natural predators as well. By maintaining healthy ecosystems, we ensure that both bees and their predators can coexist and fulfill their roles in nature.

Defensive Mechanisms of Bees and Predator Adaptations

Bees are not defenseless against their predators. They have evolved a variety of defense strategies to protect themselves and their hives.

Bee Defenses

Stinging is the most well-known defense mechanism of bees. They also employ swarming to fend off attackers and fortify their hives to prevent invasions.

Evolutionary Adaptations in Predators

Predators of bees have evolved alongside their prey. Bears, for example, have developed thick fur to withstand stings, while certain birds have learned how to neutralize bees before eating them.

The Evolutionary Arms Race

This ongoing evolutionary arms race between bees and their predators has led to a fascinating array of adaptations on both sides. Predators have become more adept at hunting bees, and bees, in turn, have developed more effective defense mechanisms..

What Do Bees Eat?

Bees eat nectar and pollen collected from flowers. Nectar provides them with the necessary carbohydrates for energy, while pollen offers proteins and fats crucial for their development. Worker bees convert nectar into honey and store it within the hive to use as a food source during colder months when foraging is not possible. Additionally, bee larvae are fed royal jelly, a protein-rich secretion from the glands of worker bees, which is essential for their growth and development.

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