How to Get Rid of Ground Bees?

Bill Swank
First Published: | Updated: February 27, 2024

Eliminating ground bees involves watering the lawn frequently to discourage nesting, applying a mixture of soap and water to the entrance of their nests, and avoiding the use of pesticides that harm beneficial bees. This article dives into non-toxic, bee-friendly methods to manage ground bees, ensuring your outdoor spaces are comfortable without disrupting the ecosystem. Discover more about these techniques and how to implement them effectively.

  • Ground bees are solitary pollinators that are generally harmless and beneficial to the ecosystem, and they prefer to nest in dry, well-drained soil.
  • Identification of the specific ground bee species is crucial for choosing the most appropriate and effective removal method.
  • Non-lethal removal methods, such as watering the lawn to increase soil moisture, using natural repellents, and altering landscaping, are preferred to preserve the beneficial aspects of ground bees.
  • Chemical solutions and professional pest control services are available for severe infestations or when non-lethal methods are ineffective or not feasible.
  • Preventative measures, including maintaining a well-watered lawn with thick ground covers and monitoring for early signs of activity, are the best strategy to avoid ground bee infestation.

How to Get Rid of Ground Bees: Effective Methods and Safety Considerations

When you notice ground bees in your yard, it’s essential to approach their removal carefully. Ground bees are generally harmless and beneficial pollinators, but if their presence is problematic, there are both natural and chemical methods to remove them. Understanding the species of ground bee you’re dealing with is crucial as it will inform the best approach to take. Let’s delve into the effective ways to manage ground bees and discuss important safety considerations.

Understanding Ground Bees: Identification, Behavior, and Environmental Impact

Ground bees are a group of solitary bees that nest in the soil. Unlike honeybees, they do not live in hives or produce honey, and they are less aggressive. To identify ground bees, look for small mounds of earth with a hole in the center, often in sunny, well-drained areas. They can be mistaken for other bees or wasps, so correct identification is key.


Ground bees vary in size and color. They typically have furry bodies and can be black, brown, or yellow. If you’re unsure about the species, consider consulting a local extension service or a pest control expert.


These bees have a unique lifecycle that begins in early spring when females emerge to mate and establish nests. They are solitary, meaning each female bee digs her own nest in the ground.

Environmental Impact

Ground bees play a crucial role in the ecosystem as pollinators. Their underground nesting can also aerate the soil. Due to their benefits, non-lethal removal methods are often recommended.

Ground Bee Removal Techniques: Non-Lethal and Chemical Solutions

There are several ways to encourage ground bees to relocate without harming them. However, in cases where bees pose a threat to people, especially those with allergies, or when they nest in high-traffic areas, more assertive measures may be necessary.

Non-Lethal Methods

  • Watering: Ground bees prefer dry soil for nesting. Increasing the moisture in your yard can discourage them from staying.
  • Natural Repellents: Some essential oils, like peppermint, can act as natural deterrents when sprayed around nesting areas.
  • Landscaping Changes: Altering the environment, such as planting ground cover or adding mulch, can make the area less attractive to bees.

Chemical Solutions

  • Insecticides: If non-lethal methods are ineffective, specific insecticides labeled for ground bees can be used. Always follow the label instructions for safe application.
  • Professional Pest Control: For severe infestations or when you are not comfortable handling the situation, professional pest control services can provide a solution to get rid of bees.

Preventative Measures and Long-Term Solutions

Preventing ground bees from nesting in your yard in the first place is the most effective strategy. Here are some long-term solutions:

  • Landscaping: Maintain a well-watered lawn and consider using thick ground covers to discourage bees from nesting.
  • Soil Treatment: Compacting the soil or using landscaping fabric can create conditions that are unfavorable for ground bee colonization.
  • Monitoring: Keeping an eye on your yard for early signs of ground bee activity can help you take action before they become established.

By understanding ground bees and taking the appropriate steps, you can manage their presence effectively while minimizing harm to these important pollinators.

Special Considerations and FAQs for Ground Bee Removal

When dealing with ground bees, it’s important to tailor your removal and prevention strategies to the specific types of bees and the unique challenges they present. Here, we’ll address some special considerations for different ground bee species and answer common questions you might have about managing these industrious insects.

Tailored Solutions for Different Types of Ground Bees

Ground bees encompass a variety of species, each with its own nesting behaviors and environmental roles. For example:

  • Burrowing Bees: These bees dig tunnels in the ground. To deter them, make the soil less inviting by applying a thick layer of mulch or by planting dense vegetation.
  • Mining Bees: Known for creating intricate underground nests, mining bees prefer bare patches of soil. Encouraging grass growth in these areas can prevent them from establishing nests.
  • Bees in Grass or Underground Nests: Regular lawn mowing and maintenance can discourage bees from nesting in grassy areas, while compacting soil can deter underground nesting.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ground Bees

How Long Are Ground Bees Active?

Ground bees are typically active for a short period in the spring when they mate and the females establish nests. By late spring or early summer, their activity often decreases as they die off, leaving the next generation to emerge the following year.

What Should I Do With Ground Bee Holes?

If the bees have left, you can simply fill in the holes with soil or cover them with grass seed. If bees are still active, avoid disturbing the nests and consider the removal methods previously discussed.

Are Ground Bees Dangerous?

Ground bees are generally not aggressive and are unlikely to sting unless provoked. They are beneficial pollinators and should be left alone if they are not causing problems.

When Should I Call a Professional?

If you’re dealing with a large infestation, have allergic reactions to bee stings, or simply feel uncomfortable handling the situation, it’s wise to call a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and equipment to safely remove ground bees.

Myths vs. Facts About Ground Bees

There are many misconceptions about ground bees. Here are a few myths debunked:

  • Myth: Ground bees will destroy your lawn.
  • Fact: Ground bees are solitary and their nesting habits typically have minimal impact on lawns.
  • Myth: All bees live in hives and produce honey.
  • Fact: Ground bees are solitary and do not produce honey or live in hives like honeybees.
  • Myth: Ground bees are as aggressive as wasps.
  • Fact: Ground bees are generally docile and sting only when directly threatened.

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